Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Investing in Minnesota's infrastructure is an essential part of sustaining and enhancing our economic recovery. The roads and bridges that carry Minnesota goods and services are crumbling. Many of the schools training our future workforce are falling apart. Our public colleges and universities are using classrooms built in the 1960s -- leaving us behind in the sciences and technology. Through short-term investments, we not only have the opportunity to put construction workers back on the job, we can also rebuild the infrastructure that our businesses and communities need to be successful.

For future success, we must invest in education and promote educational opportunities. Improving the quality of our workforce is essential for long-term economic growth. Minnesota is second in the nation in Fortune 500 companies per capita in part because of our well-educated workforce. An educated workforce will lead to new entrepreneurs, new innovation, and the good middle-class jobs we need for strong communities and a strong economy.
